Welcome to The Grand Masquerade and the place for your exclusive download of “The Chosen Ones”.

This is a song about all the everyday heroes out there who reach out to help someone in need; who act without thinking of personal profit or glory, but instead react out of love and kindness. How we, in troubled times like these, can be inspired by those people and in return, be an inspiration for others to do good deeds and pass it on to another without hesitation. Let these heroes show us the way, and if we want to have a future for the generations to come, we must put our differences aside and stand together as one. So, to all everyday heroes out there, we thank you for your existence. You inspire us.


The Grand Masquerade take the best from every decade and creates a sound that is unbeatable!​

Heavy Paradise

...if the band succeeds in maintaining this level of compositions, it may become one of the most interesting of the ever-flourishing landscape of northern Europe...

Federico Martinelli, MyValley.it

Imagine a mix of H.E.A.T, Art Nation and Miss Behavior as well as a touch of the more classic bands Def Leppard and KISS, I think I've summed up The Grand Masquerade in a good way.

Henric Wahlberg, Den melodiösa bloggen
